Sitting here in an empty house, as everyone traipses off to their first day of classes in a new year, pangs of apprehension fill my mind. In less than a week, I will board a plane and head toward Washington D.C., leading me to my final destination in Coimbatore, India. You could say that this little adventure is a leap of faith; that is what I am calling it these days. Within my nervous, wandering mind, there is a piece of excitement that I cannot contain. There is a piece of yearning for something different, something new, something exciting. This is an opportunity to witness and observe God's boundless love in a context that is, to me, completely and entirely foreign.
When asked, I am unable to present one specific reason why I chose India. It seemed right. All of the signs pointed to India. But, even without a concrete answer, I know God wants me there, and honestly, that is all that matters. It terrifies me and excites me. Life is meant to be lived and I am embracing every moment. Excitement ripples through my blood as I think about really living halfway across the world. Shane Claiborne said, "All around you, people will be tiptoeing through life, just to arrive at death safely. But dear children, do not tiptoe. Run, hop, skip, or dance, just don't tiptoe." India is my run. I'm going with all I have inside of me, trusting that the Lord will bless me and illuminate His plan and purpose in this crazy whirlwind that has brought me to embark on this adventure.
"The Lord replied, 'My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.'" Exodus 33: 14