I'm sitting at a table on the third floor of the library, not getting as much studying done as I really should, with two of my best friends as we try to stifle giggles and not cause a ruckus. Outside the window, the sy is blue with few clouds in sight, Fremont bridge in the distance and the mountains tucked barely in view behind it. The wind whispers so softly that the leaves on the trees dance lightly. I see students shuffling across the sidewalk, some looking very studious as if about to tip over from the weight of a heavily-laden book load and some in shorts, tank tops, and sundresses as if without a care in the world. Suddenly, it hits me. This is the last time I will sit on the third floor of the library. This is the last time I will study for an exam and this is the last time that I will ever do these things with my friends who have really become more like family.
The sun has since gone down and this day has almost come to a close. As I walked home from the library, I couldn't help but stare at the clear night sky. The stars were twinkling, as if to remind the world that they still do glimmer from time to time and when they do, they shine as elegantly as ever. The night sky, though dark as it was, glowed with a blue hue, a hopeful hue that tomorrow will bring chirping birds and a warm, shining sun. As I sit in my room, I hear the constant dull murmur of college life - the passing of cars, the distant voices, and the occasional passersby. In a few minutes, it will be Wednesday and this Tuesday will be forever in the past, out of the grasp of sight, sound, or touch. The present has and continues to become but a memory.
The sun has since gone down and this day has almost come to a close. As I walked home from the library, I couldn't help but stare at the clear night sky. The stars were twinkling, as if to remind the world that they still do glimmer from time to time and when they do, they shine as elegantly as ever. The night sky, though dark as it was, glowed with a blue hue, a hopeful hue that tomorrow will bring chirping birds and a warm, shining sun. As I sit in my room, I hear the constant dull murmur of college life - the passing of cars, the distant voices, and the occasional passersby. In a few minutes, it will be Wednesday and this Tuesday will be forever in the past, out of the grasp of sight, sound, or touch. The present has and continues to become but a memory.