Sunday, May 6, 2012

[most precious]

Four years ago, I met a little boy named Joshua.  It was when little Joshua was in my arms that God showed me how incredibly precious His children are.  It was in that moment that I knew how incredibly fragile orphaned children are and how much they need a family and love.  It was in that moment that I finally understood Jesus' command to love "the least" in society.  

Not many days go by where I don't think about that boy - Joshua.  It took almost a year for the tears to go away when I thought about him.  Because Joshua isn't only an orphaned child, he also has learning disabilities and cognitive delay.  In all honesty, his future looks bleak.  Every time I think about Joshua, my heart breaks a little bit more.  I miss him so much and its a difficult place to be when all you can do is pray that one day he will have a family that loves him.  And until that day comes, I will be praying that my little Joshua will keep laughing and smiling and that he will keep his innocence without realizing what a cruel place the world can be.  Most of all, I hope and pray with all my heart that little Joshua will never go a day without feeling loved.  

Always on the mind.

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